You know how you fall in love with an image online, so you save it somehow? Maybe you email it to yourself & stick it in a pics folder. Or you keep it on your computer, or a photo-sharing site (or you Tumblr/Tweet it), etc., where it then gets mixed up with pictures you snapped yourself and other unrelated shit? And now your faves are scattered throughout cyberspace.
Enter my new crack cocaine: We Heart It.
It is only for images you come across while hanging out online; no ‘browse’ button for loading your own pictures (except your profile pic. Read ‘Dos & Don’ts’ - check out the first ‘Don’t’).
It’s social media in that you may find & follow others, but it’s gloriously silent: no text, no chat, no articles, no news, no noise, just images special enough to have been culled from the vast eleventillions of internets.
Using it is ridiculously easy: drop the bookmarklet onto your toolbar. When you come across a keeper, click ‘Heart this’ and you’ll be prompted to choose the image, tag it if you like, and cull it to your stash.
If you start using this, please tell me or follow me: ccnomad.