This is Tony Baloney Balloon, Rock Star:
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Tony Baloney, Rock Star.
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| show details 6:49 PM (4 hours ago) |

Has been known to:
Teach English
Take care of his Abuelita, affectionately known to all as Chelito
Take care of his beloved kitty cats
Play guitar
Play bass
Be an excellent kid, friend, cousin, boyfriend, son, grandson, etc.
Be awesome with kids
Be a total metal head \m/
You rule, Tony Baloney Balloon. Your Auntie Trinity and I are looking forward to visting you in Mexico next year, and hauling you back up here to Seattle for a while afterward! We can't wait to visit & celebrate Fiesta with you & Mimi & our whole family!
Mommy, Mum, Mama, Mom, Your lovely Mother, Me, Catherine Taylor Thatch :D